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Les meilleures techniques pour éliminer ses cicatrices d'acné-Roll On Jade

The best techniques to eliminate acne scars

After a period of inflammatory acne, the skin generally remains marked. Sometimes these scars cannot fade quickly. 100% natural techniques exist to accelerate cell renewal and obtain a harmonious complexion.

We explain to you how you can eliminate acne scars naturally, in a few daily steps!

Facial massage: the most effective techniques to eliminate acne scars

Facial massage with your hands or with tools helps restart microcirculation. It is an extremely effective and 100% natural way to remove acne scars.

Step n°1: apply a nourishing and healing treatment

Regardless of the type of massage, remember to always apply a suitable oil to your skin. The oil must allow the tools or your hands to glide over the skin, so as not to create any folds or accentuate existing wrinkles or scars. There are particularly powerful active ingredients for healing tissues among natural oils: sweet almond oil, avocado oil, shea butter, etc.

The Roll On Jade Dry Oil formula combines jojoba, avocado and pomegranate oil, all from organic farming, for rapid anti-scar and anti-wrinkle results, while improving the appearance complexion and skin quality. The feedback is excellent for this non-comedogenic oil made in France.

Step #2: Adopt the Ridoki!

Ridoki is the ultra effective tool for erasing acne scars. This little Japanese tool works like a facial roller, unlike its nubs present on the entire surface of the rolling head. Thanks to the pimples, the synthesis of elastin and collagen is naturally boosted. The skin is more beautiful and heals more quickly.

To use the Ridoki, it's simple: rather than passing it over the areas to decongest like with a roller, directly target the parts you want to heal. Then make gentle grid movements (from top to bottom, then from left to right). The Ridoki roller is narrow enough to work on smaller, more difficult areas, such as the nasolabial folds.

Our advice for rapid healing: use Ridoki as a treatment for 1 or 2 months every day, between 1 and 3 times a day. Take a break for a week before resuming the treatment.

For light scarring, start with the Ridoki Gold Roll On Jade first as this one is gentler. The acupressure tip is also useful for regulating stress and acting on the energy points of the face.

Step #3: test the facial cups

Cupping is very well known for body massages, but facial cupping also works wonders!

Suction cups are used to complete the massage. A few movements on each area to heal are enough. To learn how to use suction cups for the face, watch the live Instagram replay of Melody, founder of Roll On Jade, and Catherine Bourgeois, co-founder of the Academy of Facialists in Paris, right here.

Not only are cupping tools durable over time, they also offer multiple benefits: the complexion is brighter, fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed, and the skin is plumped.

Find the Roll On Jade suction cups HERE at -10% with the Roll On Jade Dry Oil.

How to take care of your skin when acne has not yet healed?

In the case of inflammatory acne that has not yet healed, avoid any massage on the inflamed areas. Instead, opt for purifying treatments (like the Roll On Jade Purifying Mask with moringa seeds and green tea) and gentle facial roller massage, like the Roll-On Cryo Roll On Jade which instantly calms inflammation thanks to the cold.

Another important tip: protect the skin from the sun during the acne healing phase.

Find the entire Ridoki collection, treatments and Roll On Jade suction cups HERE.

Photo: Pinterest

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