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Peut-on utiliser un Gua Sha et un Roll-On avec de l'acné ?-Roll On Jade

Can you use Gua Sha and Roll-On with acne?

Acne is a skin disease and to speed up its healing, we are tempted to try creams, treatments and even antibiotics. But what about facial massage? Can beauty tools (Gua Shas, Rollers, etc.) help the skin with acne and are they safe to use?

The Gua Sha and the Roller are two key beauty tools for facial massages. Gua Sha is a flat stone, which sculpts and stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation. The Roller often has two ends, one wider for larger areas of the face and the other thinner for more delicate areas. These two tools will help eliminate waste stored in your lymphatic system.

To speed up healing, it is also important to try to understand where acne comes from, what is its source, to look for the answers within yourself, and to consult specialists.

It is important to approach facial massages with caution in cases of severe acne so as not to attack the skin, however, beauty tools can help heal the skin.

Can we use a Gua Sha and a Roller for mild to moderate acne?

If you have mild acne has moderate , you can definitely use a Gua Sha or a facial roller. Natural stone Gua Sha , such as green aventurine, is ideal for soothing, calming and healing inflammation and imperfections caused by acne. It is the most recognized anti-blemish stone, which helps fight acne, acne microcysts, excessive sebum secretions and improves skin texture in general.

Green aventurine roller skates will have the same anti-irritation and anti-imperfection benefits. They also allow better absorption of care. Use your Roller on a face mask or eye patches.

Can we use a Gua Sha and a Roller for inflammatory acne?

In case of inflammatory acne, do not use classic "sculpting" Gua Sha which risks being too aggressive. Gua Sha Cryo is gentler than other tools. Its edges are more rounded and if you are looking to use a Gua Sha for inflammatory acne, this will be it!

The second ideal anti-inflammation tool for acne, even severe ones, is the Roll-On Cryo Roll On Jade . It is used every day. Do not exert pressure on the skin when using it and take it out of the freezer 15 minutes before use. Used on a non-comedogenic face mask , the effect is increased tenfold and ultra-pleasant to calm an acne attack with cysts or inflammation.

Do not use tools like cupping on inflamed patches or cysts. These will be perfect tools for healing acne. The suction cups drain and work on spots and scars, post-acne. Scrubs will also be your best allies at this time.

What are the right steps to massage your face with tools in case of acne?

  • Clean your tools regularly and always choose natural or cryo stone tools, which will be easily cleanable, to avoid any risk of bacterial propagation.
  • Do not press too hard on the skin, especially on inflamed areas, to avoid creating lesions.
  • Use gentle movements.
  • Keep a consistent routine using your tools. Their action allows the skin to regenerate more quickly and the results appear in the long term.
  • Moisturize the skin with non-comedogenic treatments . Avoid alcohol-based and drying formulations.

Find here the most effective Roll On Jade Cryo tools for acne.

Photo credits: Pinterest

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